In the Sea of Grief

In the Sea of Grief

His Deep calls to your deep,

like the gentle pressure of the easy swells of the sea;

the Spirit of your Maker, rocking in unison with your own spirit.

The Comforter, in times such as these

making personal intercession with groanings

that communicate where human utterance is wholly inadequate.

If you are God’s own, the Comforter dwells within you.

Grief may rise up in you for a time, but it cannot fully overcome you.

Sorrow may press down on you for a season, but it cannot fully overwhelm you.

God’s promises are sure and they are true.

Standing firm for thousands of years,

they are eclipsed by nothing and no one.

Draw near to your Redeemer

and He will surely draw near to you.

Call upon His name and be saved in your distress.

Your sea is His to command:

“Peace be still”.

© Beth Viera ~ August 2012


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